Lee Samuel Finn
2007-01-27 20:35:30 UTC
If they had made *wired* Palm devices *completely free* and then
indicated you'd have to pay through the teeth for new wireless
devices -- we'd have moved to 8.6. But for what was (and *is*
free) in 8.5.3 to now be charged for in 8.6, is about as customer
unfriendly as you can get.
This about says it all, and not just regarding the PDA fiasco. We'dindicated you'd have to pay through the teeth for new wireless
devices -- we'd have moved to 8.6. But for what was (and *is*
free) in 8.5.3 to now be charged for in 8.6, is about as customer
unfriendly as you can get.
learned to endure sales reps who misrepresented release dates and
features in upcoming releases, and lack of responsiveness to
questions and bug reports. This most recent episode of the badly
buggy 8.6, promises broken, and failure to provide even adequate tech
support, has led us to conclude that meetingmaker is no longer a
viable solution to our Center's scheduling needs. We are in the
process of transitioning to Oracle now and I expect the transition
will be complete by mid-Feb, at which point we will bid meetingmaker
good riddance.
Lee Samuel Finn Phone: +01 814
Director, Center for Gravitational Wave Physics Fax: +01 814
Professor, Department of Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
The Pennsylvania State University
104 Davey Laboratory, PMB#145
University Park, PA 16802
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