Can't Configure Conduit
Dan Perez
2005-05-03 20:33:26 UTC
When I use the Palm Desktop to configure the meeting maker conduits, Hot
Sync Manager crashes. (right after hitting the OK button to accept the

I'm running several versions of OS X 10.3.x (from 10.3.3 - 10.3.9) and Palm
Desktop 4.1 or 4.2. It happens on all versions on most of our laptops.
Some seem to work, but i don't go changing these settings very often, and on
some powerbooks it doesn't happen 100% of the time.

I even installed a new copy of OS X to a Powerbook, then installed Meeting
Maker, then installed Palm Desktop (forgot to install this first).
Reinstalled MM, and it still crashes during the configure. This new
powerbook has nothing else on it. Doesn't even have iSync, which some
people have said caused some problems earlier?

Has any one run across this type of problem?

I've called it into support, but so far they can't reproduce this (although
they acknowledge that they've had others experience the same issue).

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