Problem loggin in to MeetingMaker
Jay Hauben
2005-03-28 19:31:00 UTC

MM Client version 7.3.0 (36)
MM Server Version 7.1g (74)

On rare occaion a user will report an error message about a "locked
file". We resolve the error condition by recycling the MeetingMaker
services on the server. More recently, a user who logons on from home
has reported such an error message often. He is at home on weekends
and evenings when we can not easily recycle the services in a timely

The user reports the following error message when he tries to log on
to his Meeting Maker account:

"Could not complete your request because the file is locked"

Can any one explain why users are getting this message? Is there a way
on the local machinbe to clear this error condition? Might the error
arise because my BackUp Exec has not left the file properly "unlocked"
after backing it up? In any case as of today I am no longer backing up
the Meeting Maker files on tape. I do back up the mmdata.mdb and
mmslog.log files every morning with the services off during that
backup. That never causes a file locked error.


Jay ____
,-~~-.____ | | User Services Consultant
/ | ' \ | | CLIO Technical Support Group
( ) 0 | | Library Systems Office
\_/-, ,----' | | 2M05 Butler Library
==== \ / 535 West 114th Street
/ \-'~; /~~~~~| New York, New York 10027
/ __/~| / LSO | 212 854-2267 fax 212 854-9099
=( _____| (_________| email: ***@columbia.edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 00:30:40 -0500
Subject: Problem loggin in to MeetingMaker

00:25 Saturday, March 25 (just after midnight).

I am failing to log in to MeetingMaker using the standard desktop
client and receive the following error:

"Could not complete your request because the file is locked"

I am trying to log in both directly from my computer at home and via Remote
Desktop to my machine at Columbia. It is failing in both places.


* MMXP-TALK Web Page: http://WWW.LISTSERV.Emory.Edu/Archives/MMXP-TALK.HTML