MMXP-TALK Digest - <first ever> to 26 Jun 2008 (#2008-1)
John Angelo Santamaria
2008-07-11 20:54:23 UTC
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:21:13 -0400
Subject: Re: MMXP-TALK Digest - 8 Feb 2008 to 11 Mar 2008 (#2008-3)
I have found two different problems with 8.7 so far which I haven't
submitted to Tech Support yet. The printing problems that we hoped had
been fixed by now continue and now the scroll bar at the bottom of the
weekly calendar view doubles your click, so you end up jumping two weeks
or days instead of just one.
It looks like they just fixed that scroll bar bug in the 8.71 client.
How has the printing been working out?
No solution for the printing problems just yet. Meeting Maker was unable
to recreate the problem on their own, so we recently sent them a copy of
our database to test with. They are now seeing the problem but do not
know the cause or solution just yet.

John Angelo Santamaria
Broadcast & Production Supervisor
Lehigh University - Distance Education
610-758-6424 Fax: 610-758-0065

* MMXP-TALK Web Page: http://WWW.LISTSERV.Emory.Edu/Archives/MMXP-TALK.HTML
Tom Betz
2008-07-16 14:31:52 UTC
Post by John Angelo Santamaria
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:21:13 -0400
It looks like they just fixed that scroll bar bug in the 8.71 client.
How has the printing been working out?
No solution for the printing problems just yet. Meeting Maker was unable
to recreate the problem on their own, so we recently sent them a copy of
our database to test with. They are now seeing the problem but do not
know the cause or solution just yet.
I'm pleased to see that they are finally putting the client's settings
into the user profile, removing the need to give users write access to
the program directory, and permitting the use of a single installation
of the client on a Citrix server.

I finally have a reason (besides the one Crackberry user here who can't
sync yet) to upgrade past 8.5.3.

Are there any other deal-breakers in 8.7x that I should be concerned about?
Tom Betz, System Administrator
Greyston Foundation
Phone 914-376-3903 ext 230
Processing the finest bytes since 1982...

* MMXP-TALK Web Page: http://WWW.LISTSERV.Emory.Edu/Archives/MMXP-TALK.HTML