Solutions 2005 calendar
Ian Eiloart
2005-04-18 16:47:23 UTC

If you're going to the Solutions 2005 event, you may want to put the
schedule into your Meeting Maker calendar. I asked Meeting Maker if they
could post an iCalendar file with the schedule in, but they didn't seem to
think it possible!

Having now placed all the events in my own Meeting Maker 8.5 calendar, it
is trivial (actually, not so trivial, but read on....) to export the events
as an iCalendar file. To import them to Meeting Maker, simply open the
attached files with Meeting Maker. On OSX, you can just drag the files onto
your calendar.

Unfortunately, importing a file with multiple events requires you to accept
each one separately. I've attached three files:
MMformal1.ics containing the keynotes and registration times up to session 5
MMformal2.ics containing the keynotes and registration times after session 5
MMsocial.ics containing all the social events, meal times, and computer lab
opening hours.

NB, MMformal1 and MMformal2 contain session titles and abstracts for
Meeting Maker related sessions. Session titles (only) for other sessions
are also included. I had included all the session details, but found a
crashing bug when trying to do the export. The bug seems to be related to
the size of the exported file - exporting all the events in those two files
still causes the crash, as does exporting a single event with a long
agenda. I've filed a bug report.
Ian Eiloart
Servers Team
Sussex University ITS

* MMXP-TALK Web Page: http://WWW.LISTSERV.Emory.Edu/Archives/MMXP-TALK.HTML